Written on Wednesday, April 04, 2007 by peacefreezer-pik yee

今天一大早原定我们这组自己练习MUET speaking的...可是后来大家谈谈下就扯到了我们班的老师...原来大家都不太懂玉丽姐的数学在讲什么...建翰哥的paper1教的很快...盈盈姐的physical chem其实不太好,容易给我们弄乱...可是很有心教书...pa2颜秀珠的音调平平,音量太大...etc...课业的事情...

没有人知道正在整理笔记的我...心都沉了...太多东西,概念我还是搞不清...弄不懂...太多以前学了的东西我怎么都回想不起来,想失忆一样...全都要重新来过,完全没有印象...补习的时间往往跟正课相冲...时间都不对...只有星期六,可是我不可能连续non stop的补啊...weekdays晚上,隔天还要上课...而且回到家已经很迟了...暗地里,自己开始抓狂了...开始有点急躁,排笔记时都有点不耐烦了...





after looking at those photo....suddenly upset...emotional creature...feel like alone n lonely....theres a gap day by day btw me n my old frens in 2ndary last time...i felt that the gap is clearer n clearer...deeper n deeper...sumtimes i'm not with em in their meeting....firstly may b it's coz by my scheldule in sch....2ndly may b is caused by usually i'm not able to attend due to i cant get d permission from my father....><...that was not the thing i wan...how i wish i cud go out like with my frens...my wish since form 1...but year after year....dissappointment followed me...it juz bcum impossible for me.....later....i started to bcum not willing to fight for the permission...i think i was "numb" since i'm so used to the ans"NO"... sumtimes i really irritated...dunno wat to do....i knew that he cares for us a lot....but sumtimes i really cant stand w his ways....LONELY.....I'm....i've nobody.....day by day....really feeling lonely...who shalli talk to?i had never ever share my feelings to a fren(usually)....to my fren in sch....sorry coz sum part of it....u may not able to help me....so i din tell....but i'm sumone who used to "hide" myself.....sumtimes even myself personally ,i dunno watz happening....for u who r looking at me...both frens n relative...i really nid sum commemnts....i dun really understand myself....but i really hope that u all will give me sum commemnt and act as my mirror to reflect myself to me....mayb ur words might not correct fully...but at least i hv sum reference.....how i hope so....but den again....it is hard....for everywhere that i go...i'm in a rush...not much time for me to talk....sumtimes...i keep silence n not to talk coz i reall dunno what to talk...wat topic to start....actually to keep quiet is sumthing very hard....how i wish the ffrens around me wil start a topic...haiz....被动is that bad...u might as me....y din i poured out everything deep in my heart?sumtimes...wen i got the "feeling"....everyone seems like very busy...or wen everyone looks happy...u wan me to showed the face of ....?dunno wat to do....den i'm that kind of used to逃避... persueing myself....pretend like nth is happening.... wen it burst out....actually everthing was not solved...............h..a..i...z...

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