20070411-my hp>< rosak jor
Written on Wednesday, April 11, 2007 by peacefreezer-pik yee
太伤心了~一大清早,爸爸拍打我的房门叫我起床,起初还有点火,干嘛?我有调闹钟!!谁知一听到他说,“今天很迟了”,看看手表...oh no!看看手机...显示着"TEST MODE"字样...huh?watz tat?到了学校还是酱...现在还是酱...>< 忘了是昨天还是前天,刚告诉我朋友,“你看啦!我的手机一定很快寿终正寝...短短几个星期内就跌了好几轮...至少都有四轮吧...”谁知...arghh!!!这次该如何开口?如果万一真的弄不好了怎办?yor....kembali to oldern days....use no colour one la...i think...i dun really wan such a hp>
den a...wen i change my sim card to my mum's...i found that i've lost part of my contact number....it saved in my old hp automatically ...i think i din change the setting that is to save in my hp b4 this...gosh~>< cry a...